Training and spreading of excellence

Our aim is to promote knowledge and skills development amongst organisations running or planning Total Diet Studies. Activities are led by EuroFIR AISBL (European Food Information Resource, BE) with support from IFR (Institute of Food Research, UK), INSA (Instituto Nacional De Saude Dr Ricardo Jorge, PT), Anses (Agence nationale de securite sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail, FR), NIPH (Nasjonalt Folkehelseinstitutt, NO), UGent (Universiteit Gent, BE), ETHZ (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, CH), EVIRA (Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira, FI), FERA (The Food and Environment Research Agency, UK), TUBITAK MAM (Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu, TR) and VITO (Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek NV, BE), and include:


1. Specialised courses, workshops including summer schools


a. FoodCASE-Risk documentation and training materials

FoodCASE-Risk is a food contaminant management system, for use with Total Diet Studies in Europe, consisting of a database as well as data interfaces. Documentation and training will be provided for current and future users.


b. Short courses and workshops

Workshop 1: Food collection preparation and analysis in Total Diet Studies, Monday 28th April-Tuesday 29th April 2014, FERA (York), UK
– for more information, CLICK HERE

Workshop 2: Food coding: LanguaL and FoodEx2 in food and dietary assessment studiesWednesday, 30th April 2014, FERA (York), UK
– for more information, CLICK HERE

Workshop 3: Food composition for nutrient and exposure assessment, Monday 23rd March-Wednesday 25th March 2015, Brussels, BE
– for more information, CLICK HERE

Workshop 5: Managing TDS Data with FoodCASE and Export TDS Data, Friday 13th February 2015, ETH Zurich, CH
– for more information, CLICK HERE

Workshop 6: FoodCASE: Advance users in collaboration with EuroFIR AISBL and Premotec GmbH, Friday 27th March 2015, Brussels, BE
– for more information, CLICK HERE


c. Summer Schools 

Three Summer Schools at INSA (PT, 2013), TUBITAK (TR, 2014) and EVIRA (FI, 2015) will provide training for setting up and running TDS. Topics will include: study design, selecting foods, documentation, food description and classification systems, quality control and assurance, sampling foods, analytes and analysis results, methods of analysis, data storage, sharing and evaluation, public health, and regulation.

The first TDS-Exposure Summer School took place on 7-10th July 2013 at INSA (PT) – for more information CLICK HERE

The second TDS-Exposure Summer School took place on 23rd-27th june 2014 at TUBITAK (TR) – for more information CLICK HERE

The final TDS-Exposure Summer School will take place on 6-10th July 2015 at EVIRA (FI) – more information soon


2. Individual training exchanges

Visits to other beneficiaries to develop practical skills are key to promote knowledge transfer amongst Member States running or planning TDS. The programme of activities will meet the needs of the TDS-Exposure beneficiaries, and financial support will be provided in response to bespoke applications.


3. e-Learning modules on TDS set-up

New elearning modules describing aspects of setting up and managing TDS will support learning for early-career researchers, risk managers and regulators.


Everyone is encouraged to take advantage of these training opportunities. However, priority will be given to TDS-Exposure beneficiaries, early career researchers, staff and students within established or planned TDS in Member States and Candidate Countries. Further information can be sought from Dr Siân Astley ([email protected]).


TDS-Exposure cannot provide funding for individuals or organisation that are not Beneficiaries of the Total Diet Study Exposure Grant Agreement 289108. Potential participants must be able to provide proof of funding for travel, accommodation and subsistence, and comply with regulation for travelling in Europe.