Database management, description


  • To develop a food contaminant management system (FoodCASE-Risk) for use with TDS in Europe, consisting of a database as well as diverse data interfaces by accommodating specific requirements of risk assessors and risk managers and using available data/data interchange standards

Based on the experience of developing the food composition data management system FoodCASE that was built according to European guidance established by the FP6 NoE EuroFIR and that consists of a database, data management tools and data interchange interfaces, FoodCASE-Risk and its interfaces will be developed by extensions and modifications of FoodCASE in order to accommodate all contaminant relevant information. Existing/planned data (interchange) standards, including EFSA specific requirements, as well as requirements of risk assessors and risk managers will be considered.

Workpackage leader: ETHZ, Switzerland and EuroFIR AISBL, Belgium